“In the Garden with Laura” received a 2016 Vollie Award from the Community Media Center (CMC) of Carroll County. Episode 7, Trimming Rhododendrons was honored in the category of Best Informational or Instruction Program.
Continue reading The Envelope Please: The 2016 Vollies Goes to…
All posts by DaveOC
Falling behind on Fall Chores
Half-written blogs have been piling up like the leaves under my magnolia tree.
While there are no good excuses, there are some wonderful reasons. In early October I spent four days in New Orleans. I roamed the streets, ate great food, listened to wonderful jazz and shopped. (I was a conference tag-along.) But my favorite day involved a visit to the New Orleans Botanical Gardens in City Park. Watch for a story in the near future. Continue reading Falling behind on Fall Chores
Irises Living on the Edge
I didn’t know anything about Japanese irises when I moved into my house 28 years ago. Now, they are part of the family.
Their delicate purple flowers belie a hardy soul. They were the perfect plant for a budding gardener with more garden and house on her hands than she could handle!