All posts by DaveOC

Azaleas and Rhododendrons Planting Tips from an Expert

Azaleas and rhododendrons are in their glory now. Personally, I find them hard to resist. If you are looking to add to your collection or begin a new one, a great place to start is at, the American Rhododendron Society (ARS) Show & Sale.  It will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sat., May 27, at the Holy Spirit Lutheran Church, 2205 Old Liberty Rd., Eldersburg, MD. The Mason-Dixon Chapter of the ARS will host the sale.

While the society doesn’t specifically focus on natives, they form an important component of rhododendrons.

“Plants native to eastern North America form the basis for many of the hybrids in three of the four major areas of rhododendrons: small-leaved (or lepidotes) and large-leaved (or elepidote) rhododendrons, and deciduous azaleas (where they are the major contributors to modern hybrids),” Ray Smith, past president, Mason-Dixon Chapter wrote me recently. Continue reading Azaleas and Rhododendrons Planting Tips from an Expert

Plants, People and Yes, Birds: The Pelican Island Audubon Society

“Snow birds” aren’t the only birds to flock to Florida in winter. So, when my husband and I recently visited Vero Bea
ch, we went birding.

One of our stops was the Pelican Island Audubon Society. The visit wasn’t what I expected. I thought I’d see trails and birds. Instead, there were plants and people. The people were enthusiastic, knowledge and so friendly that I was ready to become a volunteer. Continue reading Plants, People and Yes, Birds: The Pelican Island Audubon Society

Love the Bay? Be Bay-Wise

The MD Bay-Wise Program focuses on the quality of the Chesapeake Bay’s water. Most residents live within a half-mile of a storm drain, stream or river, and most of those waterways drain into the bay.

How we maintain our landscapes can affect the health of local waterways (drainage ditches, streams, and rivers), the bay and our environment. By changing a few landscape practices, we can often make or keep Maryland communities healthier. Continue reading Love the Bay? Be Bay-Wise